Outright Purchases and Sales of Securities

Outright Purchases and Sales of Securities

Outright purchases and sales of government securities are conducted as part of the BOT’s open market operations. These transactions permanently add or drain reserves available to the banking system. The Bank usually adds rather than drains reserves through this channel to accommodate the permanent increase in currency in circulation as the economy grows. Transactions are conducted via BOT Counterparties for e-Outright Transactions.Read more >>

Service Manager Money Market and Fixed Income Team (+662 628 6025-7, +662 356 7714)


( Data valid from 6 July 2007 onwards )

For Historical Data, Click here.

As of null null, null

Transaction DateTransaction TypeBond TypeTime To Maturity Range (yrs to yrs)Settlement DateTotal Indicative Buying/Selling Amount Announced on Transaction Date* (Mil.Baht)Total Par Amount Submitted (Mil. Baht)Total Par Amount Accepted (Mil. Baht)
No operations were conducted today.
* Total indicative buying/selling amount of all bonds that BOT intends to buy or sell outright on each transaction date.