Bilateral Repurchase Transactions

Bilateral Repurchase Transactions

Bilateral repurchase transactions (repo) are conducted as part of the BOT’s open market operations. Reserves available to the banking system are temporarily withdrawn through repo transactions or injected through reverse repo transactions depending upon the system’s needs. All transactions are conducted through Bilateral Primary Dealers and terms normally include 1-day, 7-days, 14-days and can go up to 6 months. For the 1-day term, fixed rate tenders are conducted at the policy rate. All other terms are variable rate tendersRead more >>

Service Manager Money Market and Fixed Income Team (+662 628 6025-7, +662 356 7714)


( Data valid from 2 July 2007 onwards )

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As of February 6, 2025

Transaction TypePolicy RateTerm (Day)Amount Submitted (Mil.Baht)Amount Accepted (Mil.Baht)Rate Submitted (%)Rate Accepted (%)Weighted Average Rate (%)Submitted Spread over Policy Rate (%)Accepted Spread over Policy Rate (%)Weighted Average of Spread over Policy Rate (%)BID Coverage Ratio
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